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Review: King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

Hello! I know it has been a while since I last wrote something, but I actually have been reading not only for my own entertainment, but my teacher dumped on us three books she wants us to read, so I've been doing that too.

Before I start this post I have to say two things: this will be a long post, and this is NOT a spoiler free review. If you want to read this, be sure you read KOS first and then read this.

Holy crap guys. Leigh Bardugo did it again. She starts off the book by replicating that thing she did in Six of Crows,where the first chapter is from a character that we never see again. I really enjoy that. I think it's a cool way to engage the audience.

The pacing of the book felt a bit strange? At first it was fast paced, because Nikolai's monster escaped and Zoya and company need to deal with that and do some damage control...but then it switches to Nina, and it's her in Fjerda trying to free Grisha or something? At first it felt very slow, and I didn't understand why or how it connected to the other aspects of the story. As a matter of fact, I still don't get why it was written in, even though it was a good subplot.

One of the big issues raised by the book it's Nikolai's and Zoya's relationship. It's obvious from very early on that they have something going on, especially when Zoya brings up that Nikolai needs to get married and secure an alliance and Nikolai gets all huffy about it. I had very, very, very mixed feelings about them up until like 4/5 of the book. Now I kind of get the appeal, not going to lie, and I think they'd be good together. Especially because it's the dramatic subplot of "he's the king and I'm not even close to having royal blood." and I kind of live for that trope.

The book had a lot of new characters, including Yuri Veneden. Look, I love Leigh, but she was not subtle at all with what Yuri stood for. He is a young monk who belongs to the cult of the Starless One, aka the Darkling. Yes, the Darkling has a cult now, and his followers want him canonized. People, especially Zoya, ridicule him because of his zeal, and everyone seems to hate the Darkling. Yuri is sketchy right off the bat, like, there is something very awkward about him, as well as something that While he is seen as overly zealous, I felt like him and the cult was a way for Leigh to sort of mock the horde of Tumblr Darkling fangirls. It felt a bit rude, not because I really liked his character arc, but because of how overt it was, and it didn't feel classy? However, Yuri did/said some stuff that he honestly shouldn't have even thought. (Especially to Genya)

On the other hand, there was Nina. She was trying to free some Grisha, but she uncovered some secret plots within Fjerda (Fjerdans are literally the most messed up people in this universe, yikes). Along the way she meets Hanne, and she discovers the girl is Grisha so that was quite the adventure. I'm also like 90% sure that they are going to be a thing in the next book. Nina sure does have a thing for Fjerdans, haha.

Back to Nikolai...he just can't catch a breath! Him and Zoya being where the Fold used to be was already bad news, but when Elizaveta revealed her plan, it made a lot of sense ad to why her and the other two resided there. And before I jump to my take on the ending, I wanna say that Zoya's arc was beautifully written, and while she kept her ruthless character, Leigh managed to make me sympathize with her and it was just so well done. I definitely like her a lot more now, but she didn't have to change for that to happen, so it's good.

So, the ending.....HOLY CRAP GUYS THE DARKLING IS BACK. I totally got spoiled about it but I didn't even care, I was so happy that he, Aleksander Morozova, the Starless One, whatever you wanna call him, was back, that it kept me going. When I first found out, the decision made no sense: why bring him back? I was happy, but confused. However, after I finished KOS, and I read how the Fjerdan wanna invade Ravka, it made some sense to me: maybe, big maybe, The Darkling will help restore some order/help Nikolai+ the Triumvirate. He will probably have his own agenda, sure, he is the Darkling, but....I'm hoping i'm right. Also, Zoya and Nikolai literally traveled across Ravka with him and he didn't try anything now I'm wondering, does he still have his full power? Cause I feel like he would have had a moment to somehow escape them and start things up. Also, it'd be really cool if Alina showed up again since Darkles is back (pls Leigh)

What are your thoughts on King of Scars? Do you have any predictions for book 2? Comment down below!

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